Park Development

Advantages to a Public / Private Partnership

Public/Private Partnerships are the way of the future. The city turns an operating expense into a positive cash flow and the end user receives a superior product and experience.

  • Cost avoidance – The cost of operating and maintaining the sports park falls upon the operator, not the city.
  • Public agency receives annual income from the private operator via a management contract.
  • Sportsplex USA will focus on adult sports, allowing existing parks to recapture access to fields for youth programs.
  • Outsourcing the management and operation of the park frees current park and recreation staff for the growing demands for their time.
  • MILLIONS of DOLLARS added to local economy through visitors to the sports park.
  • The facility is operated and maintained by a professional staff in a more economical manner.
  • A better ability to host major local and national tournaments.
  • The opportunity to get qualified professionals to handle the entire full-service food and beverage operation.